Privacy Policy

Landgipps complies with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 and the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 to protect the personal information Landgipps holds about individuals.  

Landgipps’ policy is to only collect personal information which is reasonably necessary for its dealings with the relevant individual. Landgipps only uses personal information for the purpose specified or which is reasonably apparent at the time the information was collected, or for a related purpose for which the individual would reasonably expect it to be used. Landgipps takes reasonable steps to protect personal information that it holds from unauthorised access, modification, misuse, interference and loss. Landgipps may sometimes disclose personal information to external parties to perform their services for Landgipps but Landgipps will only do so in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.

The Landgipps Privacy Policy contains information about how you may request access to and correction of personal information Landgipps holds about you, or to make a complaint about an alleged breach of the Australian Privacy Principles.


The Landgipps Vic ABN 55 623 128 147 (Landgipps) is the registered agent for both sales and marketing acting on behalf of the land developer and represents the estate and recognises the importance of privacy and is committed to protecting individuals’ personal information.

Landgipps Vic Pty Ltd is subject to the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

This Policy describes how Landgipps Vic complies with its privacy obligations in protecting the personal information Landgipps holds about individuals.

Overview of Landgipps’ functions and activities

Landgipps is an Australian real estate group, with an integrated development and asset management capability. Its operations are principally located in Victoria Australia. It’s key activities include real estate sales, marketing and land development management.

For more information regarding Landgipps, please visit our website:

Collection of personal information

Personal information is defined as information or an opinion that can identify or can reasonably identify an individual. This may include an individual’s name, address, email address and telephone numbers. The type of personal information that Landgipps collects will depend upon what dealings the relevant individual may have with Landgipps.

Landgipps may collect and hold personal information about individuals who:

Landgipps only collects personal information which is reasonably necessary for its dealings with the relevant individual. The types of personal information may include, but are not limited to:

The Privacy Act imposes restrictions on collecting sensitive personal information such as information about religious views, ethnicity, political opinions and personal health. Landgipps generally does not collect sensitive personal information about an individual. However, in certain circumstances, Landgipps may collect some sensitive information if it is necessary to allow Landgipps to deal with the individual and provided the individual has given consent for Landgipps to do so.

Whenever it is reasonable and practical to do so, Landgipps collects personal information directly from the individual. However, in some circumstances, personal information may be provided to Landgipps by other parties such as the individual’s agents, employees or Landgipps’s authorised agents, service providers and subcontractors. Landgipps will take reasonable steps to inform the individual that it has the individual’s personal information, unless it is obvious from the circumstances.

Notification of Collection of Personal Information

When Landgipps collects personal information, Landgipps will generally provide notification of the collection to the individual to inform the individual about the purpose for the collection, the types of entities that the information is disclosed to, the overseas recipients the information is disclosed to (where applicable), and that the Landgipps Group Privacy Policy contains information about how the individual may access the personal information held by Landgipps and how the individual may make a complaint.

Use and disclosure of Personal information

Landgipps operates a number of businesses which handle personal information. Landgipps’ policy is only to use personal information for the purpose which was either specified or reasonably apparent at the time when the information was collected. Landgipps may also use or disclose the information collected for any other related purpose for which the individual would reasonably expect it to be used.

If Landgipps wishes to use or disclose the personal information in other circumstances, it needs to obtain the individual’s consent to do so.

In general, Landgipps uses personal information for the following purposes:


Landgipps may send marketing materials to its customers or potential customers where Landgipps has collected the personal information from the individual and the individual would reasonably expect Landgipps to use the information for that purpose.

The individual’s prior consent will be obtained before personal information is used for marketing purposes in situations where the personal information has been collected from the individual and the individual would not reasonably expect Landgipps to use the information for that purpose, the personal information has not been collected directly from the individual or where sensitive information is involved.
If the customer no longer wishes Landgipps to use his or her personal information in order for Landgipps to provide marketing materials, the customer is to advise Landgipps via the relevant method provided for in the electronic marketing message sent to the customer (e.g. via an ‘unsubscribe’ link) or to write to the Landgipps Privacy Officer (refer to contact details below). Landgipps will act and amend its records promptly.

Disclosing Personal Information to Other Parties

Landgipps may disclose personal information to other entities within the Landgipps Group of developers.

External parties may be given access to personal information held by Landgipps in certain circumstances. These include, but are not limited to:

Landgipps limits the information disclosed to external parties to what is required for them to perform their services for Landgipps or the relevant individual, or what is required by law. Landgipps generally requires these parties to agree to Landgipps Group Privacy Policy and to strict conditions governing how this information may be used and stored.

Landgipps does not sell personal information to entities outside the Landgipps Group.

Security of Personal Information

Landgipps will take reasonable steps to protect personal information that it holds from unauthorised access, modification, misuse, interference and loss. Landgipps maintains physical security measures over its physical premises, and a range of computer and network security measures (such as systems access, firewalls, data encryption) over its electronic systems. Landgipps employees are required to maintain the confidentiality of any personal information held.
If other parties provide support services, Landgipps generally requires them to agree to appropriately protect the privacy of the information provided to them.

Access to personal information

Any individual can request access to the personal information Landgipps may hold about them. To obtain access to the information, the individual needs to write to the Landgipps Privacy Officer (refer to contact details below). Landgipps will require evidence to verify the identity of the individual.
This service is free of charge unless the personal information requested requires preparation time. In this situation, Landgipps will provide an estimate of how much this service will cost and request agreement before proceeding.
In normal circumstances, Landgipps will provide the individual with access to the individual’s personal information. However, in some circumstances, there may be legal, regulatory or administrative reasons to deny the requested access. If access is denied, Landgipps will provide the individual with the reasons for doing so.

Changing Personal Information

If an individual wishes to change personal information that the individual believes may be inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, the individual may write to the Landgipps Privacy Officer requesting the information to be changed.

If Landgipps disagrees with the individual that the personal information should be changed, Landgipps will provide the individual with the reasons for doing so. The individual has the right to request that a notation be included with their personal information to indicate their disagreement with their personal information held by Landgipps.

Collection of other information

Landgipps may also collect the following information from you:

Changes in the Future

Landgipps reserves the right to change this Policy at any time. Landgipps will notify any changes to this Policy by posting an updated version of the Policy on the Landgipps website at


An individual can make a complaint about the way in which Landgipps has handled an individual’s personal information by writing to the Landgipps Privacy Officer. Landgipps will endeavour to act promptly in response to a complaint.

You may also contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner as follows:
Phone: 1300 363 992
Address: GPO Box 5218, Sydney, NSW 2001

Contacting Landgipps

The Landgipps Privacy Officer can be contacted as follows:
Phone: 1300 545 263
Email: [email protected]
Address: ‘Landgipps Privacy Officer’, 70 Queen Street, Warragul 3820

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